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St Mary's Primary School Banbridge

Anything is possible! P2 Mrs Quigley

8th Sep 2023

We have had a busy week settling into our new classroom environment.

We begin each day with our Learning through Play sessions.

“It is paradoxical that many educators and parents still differentiate between a time for learning and a time for play without seeing the vital connection between them.” Leo Buscaglia

Play is a vital part of our lives - especially when we are children. Our first friends are our playmates or siblings. We learn how to share, communicate, and connect through play. It’s almost one of the first skills we have. A child’s brain is 90% developed by the time they are five years old – and play is one five key areas of development along with health, nutrition, protection, and learning. Research has shown that the ability to play breeds creativity and transforms learning – especially in the early years.

Look at the smiling faces on these wee cuties!

We are artists, actors, readers, writers, builders, dancers, explorers and much more in Primary 2.