Pupil Voice and Pupil Participation

Pupil Voice and Pupil Participation
In St Mary’s, we respect and value our Pupils Views and Pupil Participation in all aspects of school. We seek their views and opinions of school life and ensure they have active roles and responsibilities in a variety of ways:
- School Council & Eco Council.
- Playground Buddies
- SEN Pupil Passport
- SEN Awareness Days
- Class charter/rules.
- PDMU & Mindfulness lessons
- Weekly achievement awards
- Pupil Views for IEP cycles
- Wall displays of pupil’s work.
- Teacher/self/peer assessment.
- Annual PASS assessment (Pupil Attitudes to Self and School)
- Informal oral class/peer/adult discussion.
St Mary's Primary School, Reilly Street, Banbridge, Co Down BT32 3DJ | T: 028 4066 2572 | E: info@stmarys.banbridge.ni.sch.uk