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Shared Education

Partnership for Educational and Community Enrichment
- St Mary’s Primary School
- Abercorn Primary School
- Donard Special Needs School
Shared Education enables schools from different sectors to work in partnership to provide opportunities for pupils, staff and community to engage in collaborative and meaningful learning experiences. The Education Authority (EA) has been working with its partner Léargas since September 2017 to deliver the Collaboration and Sharing in Education Project, funded under the PEACE IV programme to the amount of €28.9 million. This project is supported by the European Union's PEACE Programme, managed by the Special EU Programme Body.
St Mary’s is currently working in partnership with two other local schools delivering a variety of shared activities in P3, P4, P5, P7 and in our Senior LSC. This year we are offering new collaborative online and remote learning options.
Our Shared Education projects are coordinated by Mrs Murphy and members of staff from all schools meet regularly to plan our shared curriculum as well to quality assure the learning and teaching experience.
Shared Education
St Mary's Primary School, Reilly Street, Banbridge, Co Down BT32 3DJ | T: 028 4066 2572 | E: info@stmarys.banbridge.ni.sch.uk