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St Mary's Primary School Banbridge

Concentric Circles - Kandinsky style By Mrs Quigley's Primary 2

6th Feb 2015

Concentric circles are circles that share the same centre. They fit inside each other and are the same distance apart all the way round.

In our art lesson today, the pupils had the opportunity to explore working with oil pastels. The focus was on the use of colour and the links between colours. Pastels may look like crayons but should be used like paint sticks. They are an oily, soft tool for drawing with and produce a vibrant colour effect to a piece of work.

The children start with a piece of white card, separated into a grid of twelve squares. The process is simple: make a small circle in the middle of each square on the grid. Continue to go around that centre circle with another colour; repeat the procedure, each time using a new colour, until each grid is complete.  

There was no pressure put on the children. They experimented with colour and connecting colours on each section of the grid.

To view and discuss our work, we completed the art lesson with a gallery session. All the pieces were laid on the floor and the children gathered around in a circle to celebrate everybody's work.

The pieces mimic the original work of the Russian artist, Kandinsky: Concentric Circles